"Dan za danom covjek gleda kako stvorenja umiru,
pa ipak se vlada kao da nikada sam nece umrijeti."
(Mahabharata je vjerojatno najveci ep u svjetskoj knjizevnosti.
Po predaji obuhvaca dvostih od po 32 sloga.)
© Copyright: graphic arts, animation & design by CARMEN EZGETA
art: Sir Samuel Luke Fildes The Doctor
(1844 - 1927) (1891)
26. veljace Dan doktora u Hrvatskoj / March 30 Doctor's Day - USA
Hrvatska Croatia:
Nacionalni dan doktora obiljezava se 26. veljace.
(26. veljace 1874. - February 26, 1874)
26. veljace 1874. (February 26, 1874) godine osnovan je Hrvatski lijeθnicki zbor
kao osma lijecnicka udruga u Europi, s ciljem unapredjenja struke kroz rad organiziran po strucnim drustvima.
The first Doctor's Day observance was March 30, 1933 in Winder, Georgia.
The day marks the anniversary of the first use of
general anesthesia in surgery.
The first ether anesthetic for surgery was administered by Crawford W. Long, M.D. on March 30, 1842, marking the date for Doctors Day.
On that day, before Dr. Long operated to remove a tumor from a man's neck, he administered ether anesthesia.
Following surgery, the man would swear that he felt nothing during the surgery and was not aware of anything until he awoke.
The first National Doctor's Day was celebrated in 1991.
Anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivno lijecenje Anaesthesiology, Reanimathology & ICU & ER
Rekli su... o doktoru...
"Dobar lijecnik spasava, ako ne od bolesti, onda barem od loseg lijecnika."
Paul Jean
(1763 - 1825)
"Samo zene i lijecnici znaju koliko je ljudima laz potrebna i korisna"
Anatole France
(1844 - 1924)
"Najbolji lijecnici na svijetu su doktor Dijeta, doktor Mir i doktor Veseljak."
Jonathan Swift
(1667 - 1745)
You know your a doctor when...
1. You wake up at 6am on a weekend although you don't have work.
2. You feel there is something wrong if you don't have an exam coming up.
3. Can't relax.
4. Can wiz through a 300 page book in a day.
5. Watch scrubs and laugh at yourself.
6. Use the phrase "I am a doctor" to get away with something.
7. You are always tiered.
8. When you keep on asking for stuff that doesn't get done.
9. When you write more than a thousand words a day.
10. When you look at a naked person on the beach and the first thing you notice is their appendectomy scar.
11. If you thought you have a disease you are studying about.
12. If you feel like your over worked and under paid.
13. If people call you doctor.
14. When you forget to have a haircut.
15. Are expected to know everything.
16. Are called in the middle of the night to sign a piece of paper.
17. Are expected to smile everyday.
18. When you can see someone's guts and think about food.
19. If you can't remember what you ate they day before!
But still manage to remember the blood results of every single patient you have.
20. You are always thinking about the next job.
O doktoru... About Doctor... [Poezija Poetry & Lyrics]
Za ljubav nema lijeka Ain't No Cure For Love Kad bi..... Lijecnik kod siromaha Stayin' Alive
Mrtvacnica najbjednijih
O doktoru... About Doctor... [HUMOR - HUMOUR (funny)]
Anesteziolog The Anesthesiologist Akupunktura Acupuncture Brain Chicken Soup Contagious... Live or let die
CRNI vicevi o doktorima Early Acupuncture Kongres ginekologa Welcome Gynecologist Convention
Kongres o AMNEZIJI ... on an amnesie kongress ... Nacini lijecenja Najbolja reklama u doktorskoj cekaonici The Best Advertisement
Nisam ginekolog... non smoking area Scientists finally found out what's wrong with men Muske mozdane stanice
Soba za pusace Room designed for smokers Spaghetti The Four Stages Of Life... The right floor Traumatolog
Vagina The vagina Zasto su doktorice i doktori jako pozeljni? Medical alphabet Doktori nakon potonuca broda...
Department of Anaesthesiology Postgraduate Orientation Program Prije izuma stetoskopa Medicine
Teorija o zivotu Strajk doktora Doctor's strike PSYCHO THE RAPIST psychotherapist
Anesteziologija, reanimatologija i intenzivno lijecenje Anesthesiology, Reanimatology , Critical Care Medicine & ER
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Carmen Ezgeta
(ponesto o meni - something about me)
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Dan zena Women's Day Medjunarodni dan srece International Day of Happiness Dan planete Zemlje Earth Day Sretan Uskrs Happy Easter
Majcin dan Mother's Day
Zima Winter Proljece Spring Ljeto Summer Jesen Autumn
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Web dizajn, izrada web stranica, grafika, animacija, videa... itd. CARMEN EZGETA
Webmaster, Web page design; graphics, animations, videos... etc. CARMEN EZGETA
Prezime EZGETA Surname EZGETA
je najvjerojatije po podrijetlu motivirano zanimanjem: prvonositelj je bio po zanimanju EGZETA.
Tumacio je, objasnjavao i iznosio kriticka objasnjenja biblijskih i drugih vjerskih i pravnih tekstova.
Naziv EZGETA najvjerojatnije je izveden kracenjem naziva EGZEGETA,
od starogrcke rijeci EXEGETES (ἐξήγησις od ἐξηγεῖσθαι) = PROROK, PROPOVJEDNIK, TUMAC, UCITELJ, SAVJETNIK, GATALAC
(gl. e x e g e i s t h a i = pokazati put, voditi (voditi van), izloziti, objasniti, tumaciti itd.)
[ IZVORI: Dr. B. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, Zagreb 1962, str.384; N. Majnaric i O. Gorski, Grcko-hrvatskosrpski rjecnik, Zagreb 1960, str.195;
E. Partridge, ORIGINS A Short Etymolofical Dictionary of Modern English, New York 1983, pp.190.602. ]
Neka istrazivanja migracija EZGETA kazu da su EZGETA bili Grci koji su se sa otoka Krete,
prije nego sto je rimski vojskovoπa Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus (c. 135 BC late 50s BC) osvojio Kretu 69. pne - 69 BC,
odselili na Dalmatinske otoke, a odatle...
CARMEN latinski: PJESMA (Carmen, -inis, n.) / CARMEN
Latin: SONG, TUNE, POEM (|noun| Carmen, Carminis Neuter)
and is also the root of the English word charm.
Ezgeta.com je osobna visejezicna stranica poezije, umjetnosti, muzike, humora i misli...
Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
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