The Life and Death of Kevin Carter


"The vulture and the little girl", also known as "The Struggling Girl",
is a photograph by Kevin Carter which first appeared in The New York Times on 26 March 1993.



Pulitzer Prizes

The Pulitzer Prizes 1994


Kevin  Carter

( September 13, 1960 – July 27, 1994 )



"The Pulitzer Prizes" winning photo taken in 1994 during the Sudan famine.The picture depicts a famine stricken child crawling towards an United Nations food camp,
 located a kilometer away. The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that it can eat  it.
This picture shocked the whole world.
 No one knows what happened to the child, including the photographer Kevin Carter who left the place as soon as the photograph was taken.

Three months later he committed suicide due to depression.

Kevin Carter died of carbon monoxide poisoning at the age of 33.

The last person to see Carter alive was Oosterbroek's widow, Monica. Portions of Carter's suicide note read:

"I'm really, really sorry.
The pain of life overrides the joy to the point that joy does not exist.
… depressed … without phone … money for rent … money for child support … money for debts … money!!!
… I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain … of starving or wounded children,
of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners … I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky."

Kevin Carter, [Suicide letter]



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je najvjerojatije po podrijetlu motivirano zanimanjem: prvonositelj je bio po zanimanju EGZETA.
Tumacio je, objasnjavao i iznosio kriticka objasnjenja biblijskih i drugih vjerskih i pravnih tekstova.
Naziv EZGETA najvjerojatnije je izveden kracenjem naziva EGZEGETA,
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[ IZVORI: Dr. B. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, Zagreb 1962, str.384; N. Majnaric i O. Gorski, Grcko-hrvatskosrpski rjecnik, Zagreb 1960, str.195;
E. Partridge, ORIGINS — A Short Etymolofical Dictionary of Modern English, New York 1983, pp.190.602. ]

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The Life and Death