Ponekad cujes, iz pete ruke,
Poput epitafa:
Povratio od svega
I nestao bez traga.
I vjecno odzvanjat ce glas
Odobravas, bez sumnje
Odvazni i cisti
Taj iskonski rez.
U pravu su, ja drzim.
Svak' od nas mrzi dom,
Da moras biti tu:
Ja prezirem si sobu
To smece, brizno odabrano
Dobre knjige, lezaj udoban
Zivot vlastit, besprijekorna reda:
A cuje se i ovo
Tek tako on iseta pred licem cijelog svijeta
Da napustena crvenim se i tresem
Il' cuje se Tad haljina joj skliznula niz tijelo
Pa ono Na ti, kurvin sine;
Zar ne mogu ja, kad mogao je on?
To pomaze mi ostat'
Razborit i radin.
Ali i ja bih otisao danas,
Da, sepirio bih se na puteljcima posutim orasima
Cucnuo na pramcu broda
Kosmat, a cestit u srcu, samo da
Sve to nije toliko usiljeno,
Takav dragovoljni korak unazad
Stvoriti neki predmet:
Knjige; porculan; zivot
Prijekorno savrsen.
Sometimes you hear, fifth-hand,
As epitaph:
He chucked up everything
And just cleared off,
And always the voice will sound
Certain you approve
This audacious, purifying,
Elemental move.
And they are right, I think.
We all hate home
And having to be there:
I detest my room,
It's specially-chosen junk,
The good books, the good bed,
And my life, in perfect order:
So to hear it said
He walked out on the whole crowd
Leaves me flushed and stirred,
Like Then she undid her dress
Or Take that you bastard;
Surely I can, if he did?
And that helps me to stay
Sober and industrious.
But I'd go today,
Yes, swagger the nut-strewn roads,
Crouch in the fo'c'sle
Stubbly with goodness, if
It weren't so artificial,
Such a deliberate step backwards
To create an object:
Books; china; a life
Reprehensibly perfect.
Philip Arthur Larkin
(1922 - 1985)
Poezija napustanja — Poetry of Departures
(1955. pjesma je objavljena u zbirci Larkinove poezije "Manje zavaran(a)" — "The Less Deceived")
© 2010 prepjev: Drazen Dragovic
© 2010 photo by Drazen Ezgeta: Otok - Porec; Hrvatska - Croatia, svibanj 2010 - may 2010
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
Pjesma je uvrstena u knjigu odobranih pjesma Philip Larkin: 'Poezija napustanja';
uredio, priredio i preveo Drazen Dragovic; nakladnik: Modernist nakladnistvo, Varazdin, 2010.; 174 str.; dvojezicno izdanje
[ Philip Arthur Larkin ]
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