©  Carmen Ezgeta

Wer jetzt weint irgendwo in der Welt,
ohne Grund weint in der Welt,
weint über mich.

Wer jetzt lacht irgendwo in der Nacht,
ohne Grund lacht in der Nacht,
lacht mich aus.

Wer jetzt geht irgendwo in der Welt,
ohne Grund geht in der Welt,
geht zu mir.

Wer jetzt stirbt irgendwo in der Welt,
ohne Grund stirbt in der Welt:
sieht mich an.






Whoever now weeps somewhere in the world,
weeps without reason in the world,
weeps over me.

Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night,
laughs without reason in the night,
laughs at me.

Whoever now wanders somewhere in the world,
wanders without reason out in the world,
wanders toward me.

Whoever now dies somewhere in the world,
dies without reason in the world,
looks at me.



Ozbiljan cas - Ernste stunde - Solemn Hour


Rainer Maria Rilke
Rainer Maria Rilke

(1876 - 1926 )


© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta


prijevod:    Dobrisa Cesaric      

(1902 - 1980)



[ Rainer Maria Rilke ]

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Poets & Poems  - pjesnici i pjesme   [ abecedni popis pjesnika (djelomican popis) ] |


o smrti (...i zivotu...) - about death (...and life...) [ 01.11. - 02.11. ] (poezija - poetry) |


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www.EZGETA.com — since 1998

Ezgeta.com je osobna visejezicna stranica poezije, umjetnosti, muzike, humora i misli...
Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
Images, web content & design ©   carmen ezgeta
All Rights Reserved

© Carmen Ezgeta


Tko sada place negdje u svijetu,
bez razloga place negdje u svijetu, 
nada mnom place.    

Tko se sad smije negdje u noci,        
bez razloga smije negdje u noci,          
meni se smije.              

Tko sada ide negdje u svijetu,                
bez razloga ide negdje u svijetu,              
polazi k meni.          

Tko umire sada negdje u svijetu,        
bez razloga umire negdje u svijetu,    
pogleda mene.