© 2006 photo by Carmen Ezgeta: Svetvincenat (Savicenta - San Vincenti); Istra; Hrvatska
Svetvincenat (Savicenta - San Vincenti); Istria; Croatia
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
© 2006 prepjev: Drazen Dragovic
Pjesma je uvrstena u knjigu odobranih pjesma Emily Dickinson: 'Tise Od Sna';
uredio, priredio i preveo Drazen Dragovic; izdavac: Modernist nakladnistvo, Varazdin, 2008.; 184 str.; dvojezicno izdanje
[ Emily Dickinson ]
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Emily Dickinson
(1830 - 1886)
Zaboravit cemo ga, srce,
Nocas, ti i ja!
Ti toplinu smetni s uma
Ja svjetlo sto mi da.
Kad molitvu okoncas, reci
Da pamet zatamnim.
Pozuri! Ako kasno dodjes
U misli bit cu s njim!
Heart, we will forget him,
You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.
When you have done pray tell me,
Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
Haste! 'lest while you're lagging
I may remember him!
Corazón, le olvidaremos
en esta noche tú y yo.
Tú, el calor que te prestaba.
Yo, la luz que a mí me dio.
Cuando le hayas olvidado
dímelo, que he de borrar
aprisa mis pensamientos.
Y apresura tu labor
no sea que en tu tardanza
vuelva a recordarle yo.