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Ime - Name: Z
E-mail: valterra@kset.org
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Zagreb, CRO
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Svaka čast, jako mi se sviđa... Samo mi još reci kako mogu davat prijedloge koje bi još stvari trebale biti ovdje ;-)
Ime - Name: Jimbo
URL: http://www.shopwarsonline.com
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well done with the site
Ime - Name: Adamovo rebro
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Trazila sam tekst O jednoj mladosti i slucajno naletjela na ovu stranicu... I samo mogu reci da sam odusevljena! :)
Ime - Name: maja
URL: studen
E-mail: mstuden@ffzg.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Hrvatska
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svaka cast...najvise mi se svidja ISTINITO :)
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Ime - Name: Babar Gill
URL: www.facelink.com/babarg
E-mail: babarg@hotmail.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Karachi, PAKISTAN
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Ime - Name: Fred Adler
E-mail: fredad690@cs.com
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Delightful! Jaime Les Feuilles Mortes
E-mail: jjk@net.hr
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Vidio sam jako mnogo stranica na netu ali ova je za mene jedno pravo osvježenje. Inače sam redatelj i pišem upravo jednu
knjigu i jako me zanima ovo što radite i iznimno sam sretan zbog ovoga... hvala vam
Ime - Name: Ivo
E-mail: ivo.ritz1@zg.t-com.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Zagreb, HR
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Tražio sam Suzu za zagoreke brege i našao ovaj krasan web
Ime - Name: bill
URL: www.madkad.co.uk
E-mail: bill@homail.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: uk
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Ime - Name: Slobodan Krnic
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: KIKINDA-SRBIJA
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Ime - Name: Patricia
URL: http://spaces.msn.com/members/eleanorscottage
E-mail: pmware@cebridge.net
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Beverly
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I've enjoyed my visit here very much. Loved the music. It was wonderful. Hope its all right if I send some others for a visit.
Ime - Name: T. Crandall
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Brasília, Brazil
Komentar - Comment:
Please note that Petula Clark sang the song in 1967 and that the song appeared in the movie in 1932 before Ms. Clark was born.
Ime - Name: Naima
E-mail: naima@hotmail.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: London uk
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lovely site, really quite something as its been a long time i have not click away and set and followed the site through!
Ime - Name: Jelena
E-mail: m05_jelena@yahoo.com
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Ime - Name: Geir M
E-mail: geirorama@gmail.com
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Your site is just great! Best wishes from Hamar, Norway.
Ime - Name: Nives
URL: jis nema
E-mail: nivesk@hotmail.com
Referred By: sama pronasla
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Madison WI
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Super ti je sajt. Nadam se da ce se moji novi prijatelji malo duze zadrzati kad ga budu posjetili.
Ime - Name: Robin Elizabeth Manhollan
E-mail: urariesgrl@hotmail.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Solano Ca USA
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Thank for this comforting feeling that there are ones who feel me .
Ime - Name: buco
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izuzetno lijepo
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Web dizajn, izrada web stranica, grafika, animacija, videa... itd. — CARMEN
Webmaster, Web page design; graphics, animations, videos... etc. — CARMEN
Prezime EZGETA — Surname EZGETA
je najvjerojatije po podrijetlu motivirano zanimanjem: prvonositelj je bio po zanimanju EGZETA.
Tumacio je, objasnjavao i iznosio kriticka objasnjenja biblijskih i drugih vjerskih i pravnih tekstova.
Naziv EZGETA najvjerojatnije je izveden kracenjem naziva EGZEGETA,
od starogrcke rijeci EXEGETES (ἐξήγησις od ἐξηγεῖσθαι) = PROROK, PROPOVJEDNIK, TUMAC, UCITELJ, SAVJETNIK, GATALAC
(gl. e x e g e i s t h a i = pokazati put, voditi (voditi van), izloziti, objasniti, tumaciti itd.)
[ IZVORI: Dr. B. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, Zagreb 1962, str.384; N. Majnaric i O. Gorski, Grcko-hrvatskosrpski rjecnik, Zagreb 1960, str.195;
E. Partridge, ORIGINS — A Short Etymolofical Dictionary of Modern English, New York 1983, pp.190.602. ]
Neka istrazivanja migracija EZGETA kazu da su EZGETA bili Grci koji su se sa otoka Krete,
prije nego sto je rimski vojskovođa Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus (c. 135 BC – late 50s BC) osvojio Kretu 69. pne - 69 BC,
odselili na Dalmatinske otoke, a odatle...
CARMEN — latinski: PJESMA (Carmen, -inis, n.) / CARMEN — Latin: SONG, TUNE, POEM (|noun| Carmen, Carminis Neuter)
and is also the root of the English word charm.
Ezgeta.com je osobna visejezicna stranica poezije, umjetnosti, muzike, humora i misli...
Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
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