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[ 1781-1800 ] [ 1801-1820 ] [ 1821-1840 ] [ 1841-1860 ] [ 1861-1880 ] [ 1881-1900 ] [ 1901-1920 ] [ 1921-1940 ] [ 1941-1960 ] [ 1961-1980 ]
[ 1981-2000 ] [ 2001-2020 ] [ 2021-2040 ] [ 2041-2060 ] [ 2061-2080 ] [ 2081-2100 ] [ 2101-2120 ] [ 2121-2140 ] [ 2141-2160 ]
[ 2161-2180 ] [ 2181-2200 ] [ 2201-2220 ] [ 2221-2240 ] [ 2241-2260 ] [ 2261-2280 ] [ 2281-2300 ]
Ime - Name: Ana
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Divan je sajt...hvala na njemu... ..
Ime - Name: STRIC
URL: http://www.slobodnajugoslavija.com
E-mail: stric@slobodnajugoslavija.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: SFRJ - zauvijek
Komentar - Comment:
Puno pozdrava sa SLOBODNE TERITORIJE , stranica je stvarno sa puno ljubavi napravljena ! BRAVO !
Ime - Name: Natalija
E-mail: hobotnica2000@yahoo.ca
Referred By: Google :)
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Canada
Komentar - Comment:
Thank you
Ime - Name: Melanie
URL: http://paganwitche.com
E-mail: paganwitche@yahoo.com
Referred By: friend
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Indiana - USA
Komentar - Comment:
Come enter my site and read witchy poems. Articles and stories to come. Read my Free spells too while your at it.
Pics and poems galour to come!!!
![]() |
Ime - Name: poet australis
E-mail: poeticjustice68@hotmail.com.au
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: melbourne australia
Kometar - Comment:
wonderful home page ... Carmen
Ime - Name: Soysa
E-mail: agmc@cecbsl.com
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Many Thanks
Ime - Name: Cyrus Malaowala
E-mail: cyrusmk@rediffmail.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Mumbai India
Komentar - Comment:
Fantastic! Beautiful music collections & presentations. Allow us to download please.
Ime - Name: Krešimir Krmpotić
E-mail: wrata@net.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Sarajevo, B&H
Komentar - Comment:
Poetski sajt. Hvala, Carmen.
Ime - Name: Mario
URL: www.pornosucht-ratgeber.eu.tf
Referred By: Fred
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Bolzano
Komentar - Comment:
Very nice work - keep up ! Mario
Ime - Name: saad
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: SAIDU ARABI
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Ime - Name: Deuchonee
Referred By: friend
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Šibenik - Hrvatska
Komentar - Comment:
Ko napisat sad što može, i svoj komentar možda dat, kada ljubav srce stiska, u ovaj sitni noćni sat...
Ime - Name: Katarina
E-mail: katarina_rak@yahoo.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Karlovac, Hrvatska
Komentar - Comment:
Hvala na Simicevim pjesmama na netu!
Ime - Name: Davor
URL: http://www.davor-bergam.iz.hr
E-mail: peace@hi.t-com.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Šibenik, Hrvatska
Komentar - Comment:
Nemam riječi kojima bih iskazao oduševljenje. Vaše stranice su istinska umjetnost!! Bravo maestro!!
Ime - Name: Ron Van Garsel
E-mail: aironfl@earthlink.net
Referred By: browsing
Grad i drzava - City & Country: LaBelle, Florida USA
Komentar - Comment:
beautiful... want to learn and see more
Ime - Name: katarina
E-mail: katrin2004@net.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: zagreb, hrvatska
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Ime - Name: igloo
URL: zaborav (ne vredi pomena)
E-mail: skobyway@yahoo.com
Referred By: igloo
Grad i drzava - City & Country: Geneva - Switzerland
Komentar - Comment:
Mes souvenirs ŕ propos de Gabi et Arsen restent intactes. Dommage que de telles mémoires et de tels links n'apparaissent
pas plus souvent pour percer d'autres et de nouveaux horizons. Grand merci... Pls to send me your email!
igloo - Geneva - Ch
Ime - Name: Barbara
URL: http://spaces.msn.com/members/babs1966/
E-mail: babs1966@hotmail.fr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country:
Komentar - Comment:
Jadore votre site et je me suis permise de mettre un lien sur mon blog vers votre počme de Jacque Prévert intitulé Barbara
car cest un de mes počmes préférés; Jai trouvé votre mise en page magnifique et la musique qui laccompage renforce
le ton du poéme.
Ime - Name: M. Solakov
E-mail: solakov@rogers.com
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: Brampton, Canada
Komentar - Comment:
Thanks for the site, I love the poetry and music of Arsen Dedic. I guess not too many come close to his genoius.
I have been to one of his concerts, over 30 years ago, I would have liked to tell him how wonderful his music and poetry are,
way way above th
Ime - Name: joe
E-mail: joefish90@comcast.net
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Grad i drzava - City & Country:
Komentar - Comment:
i just wanted to know where you got that picture from on the hard to say im sorry page
Ime - Name: marina
E-mail: mare_2503@net.hr
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Grad i drzava - City & Country: zagreb, hrvatska
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Web dizajn, izrada web stranica, grafika, animacija, videa... itd. — CARMEN
Webmaster, Web page design; graphics, animations, videos... etc. — CARMEN
Prezime EZGETA — Surname EZGETA
je najvjerojatije po podrijetlu motivirano zanimanjem: prvonositelj je bio po zanimanju EGZETA.
Tumacio je, objasnjavao i iznosio kriticka objasnjenja biblijskih i drugih vjerskih i pravnih tekstova.
Naziv EZGETA najvjerojatnije je izveden kracenjem naziva EGZEGETA,
od starogrcke rijeci EXEGETES (ἐξήγησις od ἐξηγεῖσθαι) = PROROK, PROPOVJEDNIK, TUMAC, UCITELJ, SAVJETNIK, GATALAC
(gl. e x e g e i s t h a i = pokazati put, voditi (voditi van), izloziti, objasniti, tumaciti itd.)
[ IZVORI: Dr. B. Klaic, Rjecnik stranih rijeci, Zagreb 1962, str.384; N. Majnaric i O. Gorski, Grcko-hrvatskosrpski rjecnik, Zagreb 1960, str.195;
E. Partridge, ORIGINS — A Short Etymolofical Dictionary of Modern English, New York 1983, pp.190.602. ]
Neka istrazivanja migracija EZGETA kazu da su EZGETA bili Grci koji su se sa otoka Krete,
prije nego sto je rimski vojskovođa Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus (c. 135 BC – late 50s BC) osvojio Kretu 69. pne - 69 BC,
odselili na Dalmatinske otoke, a odatle...
CARMEN — latinski: PJESMA (Carmen, -inis, n.) / CARMEN — Latin: SONG, TUNE, POEM (|noun| Carmen, Carminis Neuter)
and is also the root of the English word charm.
Ezgeta.com je osobna visejezicna stranica poezije, umjetnosti, muzike, humora i misli...
Ezgeta.com is a Croatian multilingual personal site with poetry, art, music, humor and nice things...
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