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[ Dragutin Tadijanovic ]
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Na stolu kruh
Zagreb (Gajeva ulica 2a),
2. studenoga 1984.
Bread on the Table
Zagreb (Gajeva Street 2a)
2nd November 1984.
Dragutin Tadijanovic
(1905 - 2007)
translated by Dennis Ward
Stajati pred bijelim papirom,
Jos neispisanim, i znati:
Dosad su sastavljeni milijuni pjesama
Na svim jezicima Svijeta
I za milijune ljudi na Zemlji
Spremljeno je vec oruzje da ih unisti —
A ti hoces da se cuje i tvoj krik:
Mir Svijetu! Sloboda Svijetu!
I svakome na stolu kruh!
To stand in front of a white sheet of paper,
Not a single word on it, and know:
Men have written so far millions of poems
In all the languages of the World
And for millions of people on Earth
There is a weapon ready to destroy them —
But you want your cry to be heard as well:
Peace to the World! Freedom to the World!
And let there be bread on the table for all!