Philip Arthur Larkin
(1922 - 1985)
XXXI Sjeverni brod Legenda — XXXI The North Ship Legend
(1945. pjesma je objavljena u zbirci Larkinove poezije "The North Ship" — "Sjeverni brod")
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
© 2010 prepjev: Drazen Dragovic
Pjesma je uvrstena u knjigu odobranih pjesma Philip Larkin: 'Poezija napustanja';
uredio, priredio i preveo Drazen Dragovic; nakladnik: Modernist nakladnistvo, Varazdin, 2010.; 174 str.; dvojezicno izdanje
[ Philip Arthur Larkin ]
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I saw three ships go sailing by,
Over the sea, the lifting sea,
And the wind rose in the morning sky,
And one was rigged for a long journey.
The first ship turned towards the west,
Over the sea, the running sea,
And by the wind was all possessed
And carried to a rich country.
The second ship turned towards the east,
Over the sea, the quaking sea,
And the wind hunted it like a beast
To anchor in captivity.
The third ship drove towards the north,
Over the sea, the darkening sea,
But no breath of wind came forth,
And the decks shone frostily.
The northern sky rose high and black
Over the proud unfruitful sea,
East and west the ships came back
Happily or unhappily:
But the third went wide and far
Into an unforgiving sea
Under a fire-spilling star,
And it was rigged for a long journey.
Vidjeh tri broda sto jedro dizu,
Put mora sto burka se i mira nema
Na jutarnjem nebu ih vjetrovi stizu,
A jedan se od njih na dugi put sprema.
Prvi se zapadu okrene netom,
Put mora u kojem struje teku
I ucas bje citav ponesen vjetrom,
Ka zemlji sto zivi u medu i mlijeku.
Drugi ka istoku smjelo zaplovi,
Put mora sto vrije, do kosti moci,
Dok vjetar ko bestija divlja ga lovi,
Da prognano sidro mu negdje zatoci.
Treci pramac ka sjeveru stavi,
Put mora sto se turobno mraci,
Ali ni dasak da vjetra se javi,
Dok paluba nekom hladnocom mu zraci.
Sjeverno nebo tmine sad prate,
Ponad jalova morskog hlada,
Dok brodovi prvi se natrag vrate,
Noseci srecu il' saku jada.
A brodic treci daleko ode,
Put mora sto cesto ne prasta na putu,
Tek zvijezde mu vatrom rasvijetle vode
I njegovu dugu, predugu rutu.