Suti i taji, skrivaj,
Svu mastu i sav osjecaj,
Neka u dubini duse
Ustaju i tu se guse
Bez rijeci, kao zvijezde sjaj,
Ti divi se - i ne pricaj!
Moze l' srce sve kazati?
Kako drugi da te shvati?
Samu bit da prozre bas?
Izrecena je miso laz.
Naklapanjem se izvor muti
Napojen njime - ti zasuti!
U sebi samom zivjet uci
Jer citav svijet u tebi huci;
Misao skrivena i visa
Uz vanjski sum ce biti tisa
Danju nestaju joj puti.
Slusaj joj pjesmu - i zasuti!...
Speak not, lie hidden, and conceal
the way you dream, the things you feel.
Deep in your spirit let them rise
akin to stars in crystal skies
that set before the night is blurred:
delight in them and speak no word.
How can a heart expression find?
How should another know your mind?
Will he discern what quickens you?
A thought once uttered is untrue.
Dimmed is the fountainhead when stirred:
drink at the source and speak no word.
Live in your inner self alone
within your soul a world has grown,
the magic of veiled thoughts that might
be blinded by the outer light,
drowned in the noise of day, unheard...
take in their song and speak no word.
Verschweige, dämpfe und verhüll'
All deine Träume, dein Gefühl, –
Wenn sich die Seelentiefe regt
Und wortlos auf- und untergeht,
So wie ein Stern, den Nacht uns zeigt, –
Erfreue dich daran – und schweig.
Kann sich das Herz im Wort ergehn?
Wie soll ein andrer dich verstehn?
Begreift er deines Daseins Flug?
Gedanke, den man sagt, wird Trug.
Du trübst die Quellen, quatschst du rum,
Nähr dich an ihnen – und bleib stumm.
Lern ganz nur in dir selbst zu sein –
Gedanken – zauberisch-geheim –
Sind eine ganze Welt in dir,
Die äußres Lärmen nur verdirbt;
Das Taglicht sie vertreiben will, –
Lausch ihrem Singen – und sei still!...
Taci, nasconditi ed occulta
i propri sogni e sentimenti;
che nel profondo dell'anima tua
sorgano e volgano a tramonto
silenti, come nella notte
gli astri: contemplali tu e taci.
Può palesarsi il cuore mai?
Un altro potrà mai capirti?
Intenderà di che tu vivi?
Pensiero espresso e già menzogna.
Torba diviene la sommossa
fonte: tu ad essa bevi e taci.
Sappi in te stesso vivere soltanto.
Dentro te celi tutto un mondo
d'arcani, magici pensieri,
quali il fragore esterno introna,
quali il diurno raggio sperde:
ascolta il loro canto e taci!...
Федор Иванович Тютчев
Fedor Ivanovich Tutchev
Fjodor Ivanovic Tjutcev
Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev
Fyodor Ivanovich Tiutchev
(1803 - 1873)
[Rusija - Россия - Russia - Rossiya]
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
© prijevod: Drazen Dragovic
[ Fjodor Ivanovic Tjutcev ]
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Be silent, hide yourself, keep in
Your feelings and your sacred dream —
And let them, quiet, rise and set,
Soundlessly — in your heart's depth,
Like stars do on the nightly rut:
Admire them, but just be mute.
How could your heart express its view?
Could any other feel like you?
Will he discern your base of life?
The word, pronounced, is a lie;
While stirring springs, you'll cloud flood:
Drink their water, but be mute.
Within yourself, keep life in hold:
Your soul is a whole world
Of thoughts of mystery and charm,
They will be sunk in daily hum,
And scattered by the sun's rays, rude:
Hark to their song, and just be mute.
[ translated by Yevgeny Bonver 2000. ]