Somewhere My Love (Lara's Theme) — Larina pjesma — La chanson de Lara
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
words & music by Webster Francis Paul & Maurice Jarre
(1907 - 1984) (1924 - 2009)
recorded by Ray Coniff, 1966 (#9) from the movie "Doctor Zhivago" 1965
Iste godine (1966.) 'Larinu pjesmu' iz filma 'Doktor Zivago' na hrvatskom prepjevu (Ivica Krajac) snimila je
Tereza Kesovija
Paroles: Hubert Ithier
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Somewhere, my love,
there will be songs to sing
although the snow
covers the hope of spring.
Somewhere a hill
blossoms in green and gold
and there are dreams
all that your heart can hold.
Someday we'll meet again, my love.
Someday whenever the spring breaks through.
You'll come to me
out of the long ago,
warm as the wind,
soft as the kiss of snow.
Till then, my sweet,
think of me now and then.
God, speed my love
til you are mine again.
Tvoj smijeh, Lara, umro je s danom tim
kada si ti zadnji put bila s njim.
Znam, znam, Lara, da mrzis onaj vlak
lica kroz dim, ledeni zimski zrak.
Ti si posla kroz snijeg, Lara,
a on u pakao vatre te.
Pamtis li zvuk pjesme vojnika tih
i njegov glas tuzan i tako tih...?
Ti si posla kroz snijeg, Lara,
a on u pakao vatre te,
al' suncan dan vratit ce drage sne:
Vjeruj, Lara, k'o prije bit ce sve...
Un jour Lara
Quand le vent a tourné
Un jour Lara
Ton amour t'a quitté
Tes yeux Lara
Revoient toujours ce train
Ce dernier train
Partant vers le chagrin
Le ciel était couvert de neige
Au loin déja l'horizon brûlait
Cette chanson
Que chantaient les soldats
C'était si bon,
Serré entre tes bras
Au bord des pleurs
Tu souriais Lara
Oubliant l'heure
La guerre, la peur, le froid
Le ciel était couvert de neige
Au loin déja le canon tonnait
Un jour Lara
Quand tournera le vent
Un jour Lara
Ce sera comme avant
Alors cet air comme un manege
Pour toi sera ta chanson Lara