Still Got The Blues



©   2005   photo by   Carmen Ezgeta:    rijeka Nil  - The River Nile;  Aswan;  Egipat - Egypt;  Afrika - Africa;  ozujak - March, 2005

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© Carmen Ezgeta

Gary Moore
© 2005 photo by Carmen Ezgeta: rijeka Nil  -  The River Nile;  Aswan;  Egipat - Egypt;  Afrika - Africa;  ozujak - March, 2005

Used to be so easy to give my heart away.
But I found out the hard way,
there's a price you have to pay.
I found out that love was no friend of mine.
I should have known time after time.

So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.

Used to be so easy to fall in love again.
But I found out the hard way,
it's a road that leads to pain.
I found that love was more than just a game.
You're playin' to win, but you lose just the same.

So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.

So many years since I've seen your face.
Here in my heart, there's an empty space
where you used to be.

So long, it was so long ago,
but I've still got the blues for you.

Though the days come and go,
there is one thing I know.
I've still got the blues for you.

Gary Moore

(1952 - 2011)