Are you still alive my mother?
Alive am I, and greetings I send.
And may the tranquil light of evening
Upon your humble home descend.
They write me you are anxious, mother,
Consumed with longing for your absend son,
Are seen too often in your faded jacket
Waiting by the roadside when your work is done.
And when you sit alone in twilight,
A horrifying vision makes you start:
You see me brawling drunken in a tavern
And someone stick a knife into my heart.
Take comfort, mother: that is only
The foolish fancy of a troubled brain.
Not such a drunkard I, nor such a monster,
To die without embracing you again.
I love you tenderly as ever
My only hope, my only desire
Is to find at last a longed-for harbor
Besides your steady-burning fire.
I'll come when buds are bursting in the garden,
When in the orchard blossoms blow.
But mind you do not awaken me at dawning
As you were wont to wake me long ago.
Do not awaken what is meant to slumber,
Do not evoke the ghosts of blighted dreams.
Too early did I suffer bitter losses,
And learned the worth of human schemes.
And do not try again to make me pious:
What's gone is gone - forever out of sight.
You alone are all my strength and gladness,
You alone - ineffable my light.
So be not anxious any longer, mother,
Not warse your strength in longing for your son.
And go no longer in your faded jacket
Down to the roadside when your work is done.
Jesi li ziva, staricice moja?
Sin tvoj zivi i pozdrav ti salje.
Nek uvecer nad kolibom tvojom
ona cudna svjetlost sja i dalje.
Pisu mi da vidjaju te cesto
zbog mene veoma zabrinutu
i da ides svaki cas na cestu
u svom trosnom starinskom kaputu.
U sutonu plavom da te cesto
uvijek isto prividjenje muci:
kako su u krcmi finski noz
u srce mi zaboli u tuci.
Nemaj straha! Umiri se, draga!
Od utvare to ti srce zebe.
Tako ipak propio se nisam
da bih umro ne vidjevsi tebe.
Kao nekad, i sada sam njezan,
i srce mi zivi samo snom,
da sto prije pobjegnem od jada
i vratim se u nas niski dom.
Vratit cu se kad u nasem vrtu
rasire se grane pune cvijeta.
Samo nemoj da u ranu zoru
budis me ko prije osam ljeta.
Nemoj budit odsanjane snove,
nek miruje ono cega ne bi:
odvec rano zamoren zivotom,
samo cemer osjecam u sebi.
I ne uci da se molim. Pusti!
Nema vise vracanja ka starom.
Ti jedina utjeha si moja,
svjetlo sto mi sija istim zarom.
Umiri se! Nemoj da te cesto
vidjaju onako zabrinutu,
i ne idi svaki cas na cestu
u svom trosnom starinskom kaputu.
Pismo majci - Письмо матери - Letter To My Mother
Сергей Александрович Есенин
Sergej Aleksandrovic Jesenjin
Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin
Sergey Esenin
(1895 - 1925)
[ Rusija - Россия - Russia - Rossiya ]
© 2005 photo by Carmen Ezgeta: Nubijska starica - Nubian Old Woman - Afrika - Africa - ozujak - March 2005
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
preveo na hrvatski: Dobrisa Cesaric
(1902 - 1980)
The Nubian People [ The Nubians ]
The Nubians of Northern Africa embrace a history and tradition that is easily traced to the dawn of civilization.
The Nubians hold esteemed credentials that identify them as the very first people of whom modern archaeologists have evidence of from northeastern Africa.
The Nubians settle along the great Nile River from Aswan Egypt, to south of Sudan's capital of Khartoum.
The Nubians are an ancient people dating back to 4000 BC. Numbering approximately one million, the Nubians in both Sudan and Egypt
suffer from intentional discrimination because of their non-Arab descent. Following the construction of the Aswan High Dam in 1960,
the Nubians faced a painful exodus from their ancient dwellings. Hundreds of thousands of Nubians were forced to leave their homeland
because of flooding from the newly constructed dam. They were dispersed to less fertile areas in both Sudan and Egypt.
Great Nubians monuments and historical sites were lost as a result of the construction of the dam. The Nubians lost their ancient homeland in the 1960's,
but their culture and heritage remain ever constant. The Nubians are non-Arab Muslim tribes who speak mostly Arabic.
Although Nubians once were strong Christians during the sixth century, they are virtually all Muslims today.
The Nubians were converted to Christianity during the sixth century. They remained Christians until the gradual process of Islamization began to take place
from the fourteenth until the seventeenth centuries. The Nubians hold a few vestiges to their Christian past.
The symbol of the cross is still seen in the decorations of many Nubian homes.
In addition, children are dipped in the Nile at the age of three days which is reminiscent of baptism.
[ Sergej Jesenjin ]
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