Emily Dickinson
(1830 - 1886)
© Copyright: graphic arts; animation & design by Carmen Ezgeta
© 2005. prepjev: Drazen Dragovic
( Bozic 2005. prepjev posvecen Carmen )
Jednu ja sestru u kuci imam — One Sister have I in our house
( Sue — Susan Dickinson, Emily's friend and the wife of her brother, Austin
Sue — Susan Dickinson, Emilina prijateljica i supruga njenog brata Austina )
Pjesma je uvrstena u knjigu odobranih pjesma Emily Dickinson: 'Tise Od Sna';
uredio, priredio i preveo Drazen Dragovic; izdavac: Modernist nakladnistvo, Varazdin, 2008.; 184 str.; dvojezicno izdanje
[ Emily Dickinson ]
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Jednu ja sestru u kuci imam
Od druge zivica me dijeli.
Tek jednu biljeze kao moju,
No s objema srcem sam cijelim.
Jedna je istim krocila putem
I moju nosila robu
Druga, ko ptice sto svijaju gnijezdo,
Od srca nam nacini sobu.
Ta pjevala nije kao nas dvije
Tu drugih je tonova splet;
Glazba njezina treperi slicno
Ko srpanjskog bumbara let.
Danas je djetinjstvo vec poodmaklo
Al' noga kad s brda se vraca
Dlan joj ne ispustam, drzim ga snazno
Da svaka milja je kraca.
Jos uvijek njen pjev
Kroz godine te
Posvuda vara leptire;
Kroz svibanj mnogi
Jos uvijek iz oka
Ljubicice joj vire.
Izlih sad rosu,
Al' uzeh jutro,
Zvijezdu odabrah tu;
Iz citave sile premnogih noci:
Uvijek i zauvijek — Sue!
One Sister have I in our house,
And one, a hedge away.
There's only one recorded,
But both belong to me.
One came the road that I came —
And wore my last year's gown —
The other, as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.
She did not sing as we did —
It was a different tune —
Herself to her a musics
Bumble bee of June.
Today is far from Childhood —
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter —
Which shortened all the miles —
And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.
I spilt the dew —
But took the morn —
I chose this single star
From out the wide night's numbers —
Sue — forevermore!